Tokenization of Real Estate Development

Featured Tokenized Projects

How does tokenization work?

Choose a property

At this stage, a specific property is selected for tokenization. This could be a house, commercial property, plot of land, etc. Selection criteria include market price, potential demand, and other factors.


Create an ownership vehicle

The standard procedure for tokenization is that a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) is created, which is a legal entity that will own the property in question and issue and control the tokens – which are like shares in a company.


Tokenization of property rights

At this stage, the property is tokenized, where each token represents a share in the ownership of the property. The tokens are recorded on a blockchain, which is a secure digital platform.


Issuing tokens and creating a PPM

The SPV prepares a detailed Investment Memorandum (PPM), outlining investment terms and risks, which is provided to investors who wish to purchase tokens.


Programming smart contracts

Smart contracts are prepared to automate the exchange of tokens and fulfil the terms of the agreement, such as paying pro rata amounts of rental income, etc.


Property transfer and trading on the market

The tokens are transferred to investors, confirming their ownership of shares in the property. These tokens can be traded on a digital marketplace.


The marriage of the tangible with the digital

Together we can bring about this evolution in real estate for the better


Tokenized Real Estate Benefits

Increased Liquidity

Ultimately, tokenization aims to remove the current barriers to real-estate transactions by optimizing processes, removing unnecessary third parties, and lowering the price barriers to entry.

Better Price Discovery

Fractionalized real-estate tokens can help the larger market discover the fair-market prices of different real-estate assets.

Lower Costs

Tokenized real estate does not impact the direct cost of real estate itself, but it can streamline the processes and approvals surrounding real-estate transactions.

Reduced Fraud

Real-estate fraud occurs in various ways. Information about a property can be manipulated to provide buyers with false information about key metrics like square footage.

Own property around the world

  • We build on
    your land
  • We sell real estate
  • We rent your property
  • We finance

Kirsan Group
Key Figures

Already built



10 000+




Under construction



6 000+

Apartments and


Surface area

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a non-custodial wallet?

A non-custodial wallet – sometimes called a self-custody wallet – is where you are responsible for managing your own funds and where you have your own private key (like a multi word password). The opposite type of wallet is a custodial wallet where somebody else has the access to it, meaning that they and not you control your funds. So you can see why we use non-custodial wallets, so YOU are in charge of YOUR funds! The only thing to watch our for is that you, and only you, know your private key so you have to remember it and not forget or lose it, as nobody else has it.

What is verification?

We comply with international regulations on Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti Money Laundering (AML), which means that we have to verify you. This is a simple online process involving a selfie and a scan of a photo ID such as driving licence or passport.

Why should I buy tokens?

This is a great way to put your money into property and participate in the profits that property developers make. Your money is secure in that it is backed by bricks and mortar. As property values increase over time, your money grows, and in the meantime, you are collecting rent.

Do you provide investment advice?

No, this is not our role. We provide information for you to make your own decisions based on your own investment portfolio profile and the amount you can comfortably afford to invest. While property tends to go up in value over time, there are some periods where values are static or decline, and that could affect you if you decide to sell your tokens at such a point. As they always see in investment advertising the value of your investment can go down as well as up.

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