Governance DAO

US • Wyoming

Project stages

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Project description

The governance token issued and managed by KRS Trading DAO LLC, a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) specializing in tokenization activities. This token serves as a key element within the ecosystem governed by KRS Trading DAO LLC, providing utility, and governance rights, and facilitating various activities within the platform.


Holders of KRSTD enjoy governance rights within the DAO. This includes the ability to propose and vote on changes, upgrades, and strategic decisions related to the trading platform. The governance structure is decentralized, allowing token holders to collectively shape the future of the platform.

One such token is equivalent to one vote on any governance matter of the whole DAO, including reorganization and dissolution of the DAO. The DAO initially issues 1,000,000 (one million) Governance tokens. Members are entitled one token for every $0.75 USD equivalent of funding, at the time of their contribution, contributed at this initial phase.The Price of one governance token may change over time, so the members purchasing tokens after such change is made effective receive one token for the amount listed in the website or otherwise made publicly known and/or accessible




Here are the key details of the KRSTD token sale:


  • Token Ticker: KRSTD
  • Sale Duration: 12 months
  • Token Price: Starting $0.75 first round
  • Token Allocation: 100000 KRSTD
  • Token Distribution: KRSTD tokens will be distributed to participants instant during  of the sale.
  • Accepted Payment Methods: USDT, USDC. If you are looking to have offline please send us a message


Participating in the KRSTD token sale gives you the opportunity to become an integral part of our community and contribute to the governance and development of our platform. As a KRSTD token holder, you will have voting rights to propose and vote on important decisions regarding the future direction of our project.


Don't miss out on this opportunity to join us on our journey towards decentralization and community-driven governance. Get your KRSTD tokens now and become a part of our growing community!


Business Model Components



We ID and acquire high-potential real estate assets, leveraging our expertise to select properties that promise robust returns. Each property is then tokenized, transforming physical assets into digital shares, accessible to a broad investor base. We engage with investors, helping them by investing into share capital. This way, they will get dividends as company will generate fees 5-7% from each tokenized project on the platform.



Our Risk Management Approach



We employ several risk management strategies:


Diversification across property types, geographic locations, and market sectors, reducing exposure to volatility and enhancing portfolio stability.

Adherence to stringent regulatory standards and proactive engagement with legal frameworks

In-depth market analysis and rigorous property due diligence

Leveraging state-of-the-art blockchain technology

Strategies to ensure liquidity, including maintaining a reserve fund


Total Investment $75 000

  • Underlying asset price $75 000
  • Legal fees (3%) $3 750,00

Total returns (IRR) 75,00%

  • Projected Appreciation 100,00%
  • Annual cash flow $175 000
  • Monthly cash flow $5 000


  • KRSTD Governance Token Sale Now Live

    We are thrilled to announce that the sale of our governance token, KRSTD, is now live! This marks a significant milestone in our journey towards decentralization and community empowerment.


US • Wyoming

Address: 30 N Gould St Ste R Sheridan, WY 82801 USA

Funding goal $75 000

Token price $0.75

  • min. invest(tokens) 250
  • max. invest(tokens) 7500
  • Project return 87%

6% funded 94345 available token